I wonder about this ‘unsolicited advice’ I’ll try it, I typically start with morning pages, sketching, and writing a blog… it makes me feel more creative and energized and I carry that into my productive work…

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I do reserve the first hour to drawing. But when the clock strikes 9, it’s go time with the priority work.

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Sep 13Liked by Mr. Tom Froese

Hey Tom, I’ve been an InkyGoodness member for two years and the courses and challenges really transformed my illustration practice. 100 rejections challenge may’ve done that the most. I think you’ve red too much into the name, which is meant to be silly and take the pressure off. We’re not actually trying to get rejected. In fact this whole thing is a deep dive into reaching out to potential clients. We discuss details like the emails topics and whether you should just link to website or add attachment. And all of that is tested in real life. I loved your SkillShare classes and generally think you have great takes but I think this one was a bit unfair.

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Hi Maciek, thanks for your comment! You are the second InkyGoodness member to respond and let me know more about the challenge I wrote about. I regret that what I wrote may seem like unfair critique, but it wasn't my intention. My "personal notes" that I add are truly just what I'm wondering myself, and are in the spirit of discussion — which we are now having :) I am happy that it actually got you all filling me in. Already I've gone and watched the TED Talk that inspired this initiative and, along with your note, better understand what it's all about!

If it seems important enough by next week, I will follow up and clarify on this story.

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Sep 13Liked by Mr. Tom Froese

Tom, thank you for this week’s newsletter! I loved all the takeaways you shared and was fascinated by the reel on globe-making 🌎 I love globes too, I think we have three at our house plus a couple of flat maps—but I had never stopped to even think about how they made them! 😮 Thank you for sharing and have a lovely weekend!

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Thank you so much, Ledys! Have a great weekend.

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I recently joined Inky Goodness and the rejections challenge group is amazing. It’s run by volunteer members of the collective and everyone encourages each other no matter what stage of career they’re at. So as a newbie it’s been great for my confidence in contacting art directors. And the sharing is unreal - would definitely recommend it! Happy to chat more about it on one of your next draw with me sessions. I’d better leave the globe rabbit hole till after I’ve sent out a good few more ‘rejections’ 😉 but no doubt I’ll go there!

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Hiya Tom, thanks for sharing. I’ve been a member of Inkygoodness Collective for a few years and regularly take part in the Rejection Challenges and they are great. The idea and challenge name was inspired by Jia Jiang’s TED Talk about his experience of trying to seek out rejection for 100 days. It was devised so we can all work together and support each other to do the outreach that we’ve always feared to do. We learn from each other, share tips and cheer each other on. Members have had some great results from outreach that they had previously been avoiding. ‘Rejections’ have ranged from agency applications, emails, mailers, entering art competitions to just chatting to a stranger in a coffee shop. We share our wins, feedback, near misses and rejections. Some rejections have led to bigger and better things! Running the challenge between certain dates helps add a bit of fun to it all, and, as of today we EARN BADGES! (Who doesn’t love a badge?). All-in-all it’s a great way to develop our creativity, portfolios and general life skills. We learn that rejection is a part of life and that you can’t get rejected if you don’t ask, so just go for it. Lisa has built up such a great supportive creative community with Inkygoodness Collective and I recommend checking it out.

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Thank you for this insight. I'll have to listen to that Ted talk, and I may include a mention of your comment in next week's F5.

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That would be lovely thanks. Yes his video is well worth a watch, it’s great. Thank you for the newsletter and have a great weekend.

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Watched it — great video. I will probably share that in one of my sections in No. 7

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